- I yelled at the boys twice today,
- I forgot to take my medicine this morning,
- Some guy ran into the back of me at Wal-Mart while I stood in line at the self-checkout and said "Surprise" (not "sorry"... "surprise" uh huh) I just turned and glared,
- I felt myself grit my teeth as the older lady in front struggled to find the UPC bar code to scan at the self-checkout,
- I found myself complaining to my husband about the lack of funds around Christmas when I knew he was getting paid in two days,
- I am unmotivated to check math work even though there are only 4 days left until we get out for Christmas holiday.
Yes, I know, I'm in burnout. It's common around this time of year but for some reason it always catches me unawares. I finally got a clue after lunch that I was in full blown burnout mode. Now at least I can extend a little grace to myself and ease up. Did you ever notice that we are nicer to our friends who are having a rough day than ourselves? Recognize the symptoms you usually have during burnout and give yourself a lot of room and a few excuses to slack off.