Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tapestry of Grace

Usually at the end of the school year, families in our local homeschooling group post to the group any curriculum they would like to sell. I use Tapestry of Grace and I got really blessed this year when someone sold their year 4 curriculum. It is very rare to find year 3 or 4 for sale as most people start in year 1 or 2 and then decide it won't work for them and sell their curriculum.

I use the old version of Tapestry because they started updating after I purchased Year 1, so they are a year behind me in updating. I don't want to have to repurchase all new curriculum (even with the discount for previous users). I'm happy with the older version and have used it how it best fits our family.

Many people totally freak out when they look at the curriculum because there are several columns with lists and lists of books and projects. What most people don't realize is that it is like a menu. You wouldn't get everything on the menu at a restaurant. It would be too much. You just get what sounds good.

Same with Tapestry. You choose the books and projects that sound good to you and your kids. Also, when you realize that the history of the entire world is broken into four "years", it is pretty amazing. You also relax a bit when it hits you that this curriculum will take your kids from pre-school through graduation. Depending on your kid's age, they will go through the history of the world several times.

I also love it because the vocabulary/spelling words pertain to the week's books and topic. The literature and history readings all relate to the topic. The only thing I add is a math, science and grammar curriculum. Everything else is contained in Tapestry.

This is my 7th year of homeschooling. While I don't have everything figured out and I'm definitely not the model homeschooling mom, I feel somewhat confident in my choices. That's a great feeling. I'm excited about covering the more modern era in Year 4. The following year, we crack open our old friend Year 1 and dive deeper into the ancient world.
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